Re: JSON-LD context for open annotations?


The error seems to be that the server does not accept the 308 code for

RewriteRule ^oa-context.json oa.jsonld [L,R=308]

in the .htaccess. The 308 return code is indeed still marked as experimental, and the server seems to abide to this. I have set it to 307 and, with that, it seems to work.

Is it essential that it would be 308? I would have to see with our sys team whether there is a setting in our server to get that rolling, but I would not want to start this unless it is really really important. With 307 everything seems to work.

Thanks Jacco!


On 06 May 2014, at 13:25 , Jacco van Ossenbruggen <> wrote:

> On May 6, 2014, at 1:15 PM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>> I have updated the jsonld file and pushed up to the server. Please test it…
> Ivan, all three urls below give me an "Internal Server Error":
> Jacco

Ivan Herman, W3C 
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
GPG: 0x343F1A3D

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 11:49:51 UTC