Re: Trackbacks as annotations

Hi Ed,

Although I can't give a timeline for implementation, I do intend that 
arXiv URLs like will do conneg to HTML 
(the current splash page) and to linked data (RDF/XML and JSON-LD 
perhaps) representations.

If we come up with a stable set of LD for arXiv before we have conneg 
implemented then I agree that it would be good add the <link> you 
suggest (and perhaps also keep with conneg). For now the LD under is not stable enough that I'd 
want to advertize it from the real arXiv.

(Without wanting to open up some http-range-14 argument... my current 
inclination is that we'll do 200 with a Content-Location header to the 
HTML, and real 303 to LD reps.)


On 10/16/13 6:21 PM, Ed Summers wrote:
> Thanks for sharing Simeon. I have to ask, is there a plan to have URLs
> like to do conneg of some kind? Have
> you considered something like adding a:
>      <link rel="describedby" href="">
> to the HTML at ?
> I guess this is no longer directly related to annotation ...
> //Ed

On 10/16/13 6:23 PM, Ed Summers wrote:
> Sorry that probably should have been:
>    <link rel="describedby" type="application/rdf+xml"
> href="">
> and/or
>    <link rel="describedby" type="application/json"
> href="">

> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Simeon Warner
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been looking at how to express trackbacks recorded at as
>> annotations. Seems like a good conceptual match to me, anyone disagree?
>> I am thinking of something like the following in JSON-LD (complete set at
>> [1] in RDF/XML though dates missing):
>> {
>>    "@graph": [
>>      {
>>        "@id":
>> "",
>>        "": "Milky Way may hide dark matter
>> 'pancake' - 01 April 2009 - New Scientist"
>>      },
>>      {
>>        "@id":
>> "",
>>        "@type": "",
>>        "": "2009-04-02T02:03:04Z",
>>        "": "",
>>        "": {
>>          "@id":
>> ""
>>        },
>>        "": {
>>          "@id": ""
>>        },
>>        "": {
>>          "@id": ""
>>        }
>>      }
>>    ]
>> }
>> The URI is a surrogate
>> for the real arXiv article URI (which would be
>> but does not yet support conneg).
>> It seems that without knowing more than we do, the best general motivation
>> we can express is "commenting".
>> Any comments welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Simeon
>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2013 12:56:33 UTC