Re: Checking the RDF for a video annotation

On May 2, 2013, at 3:16 PM, Raphaël Troncy <> wrote:

> Dear James,
> [snip]
>> _:fragSelector a <oa:FragSelector> ;
>>                dcterms:conformsTo "" ;
>>                rdf:value "time constraint..." .
> Could you please give a concrete example of rdf:value for the _:fragSelector? Why not directly using a Media Fragments URI in a first place? Did you consider the Ninsuna ontology [1] for marking up the boundaries of the fragment?
> Best regards.
>  Raphaël
> [1]

A typical value for the fragment selector might be "t=npt:0,5" to represent the first five seconds of the video. This would combine with the SVG selector to specify a bounded region in the video for a particular span of time.

-- Jim

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2013 19:22:48 UTC