RE: proposed requirements for booking spec

Hi all

Just adding our support to the below. For our work in London on reaching and supporting less active people we are exploring the role we can play along every step of the journey.

It sounds like the functionality proposed could potentially be useful in re-engaging people who have started and then dropped out, or for encouraging existing members to try similar type activities on a seasonal basis. E.g. Football season is over, how about trying Cricket over the summer.


Chris Norfield
Digital Marketing Lead

House of Sport, 190 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YB

07816 575328


From: Craig Hyslop <>
Sent: 01 November 2019 13:54
To: Matt Willcocks <>; Anne-Marie Errock <>
Cc: Minogue, Eugene: WCC <>;
Subject: RE: proposed requirements for booking spec

Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that we (Bristol City Council) are also supportive of this.  We have a basic activity finder, but that is very much viewed as the first stage and developments as suggested in this thread are essential to the long term sustainability of this work.

There is so much scope here to help relatively new “existing users” become active in the long term.



Craig Hyslop
Sport Strategy Officer
Public Health
People Directorate
City Hall, Bristol, BS1 5TR
• 0117 9224030 / 07795445843
• Public Health (CH), P.O Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE

From: Matt Willcocks [] On Behalf Of Matt Willcocks
Sent: 31 October 2019 09:32
To: Anne-Marie Errock
Cc: Minogue, Eugene: WCC;<>
Subject: Re: proposed requirements for booking spec

Thank you for raising this

It has our full support

To enable us to welcome everyone into tennis we would want users to be both be able to find and book new opportunities as well as potentially using there existing memberships.



Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Oct 2019, at 07:31, Anne-Marie Errock <<>> wrote:

Good to hear Eugene - as mentioned we have the same requirements - for us too it is not just about new residents who don’t have a membership, it is also about retention - to support residents who have existing memberships.

Keeping people active is the other half of the battle of getting people active! Therefore, we would certainly support the ability to use the same booking mechanism to allow users to make bookings and join waiting lists using their existing memberships - this is definitely good common ground, and Manchester would be in favour of these retention-focussed additions as you’ve outlined.
Would others in the group also find this useful?

On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 at 19:40, Minogue, Eugene: WCC <<>> wrote:
Dear All,

We're also working on an ambitious project here in City of Westminster (aka. ActiveWestminster) - it sounds very aligned to what you're doing for MCRactive, and is also looking to incorporate OpenActive data standards at its core.

To achieve our ActiveWestminster vision, features like guest checkout and multiple basket items will be key. Working with our partners/suppliers, we now understand we have overlapping requirements to those that Anne Marie has laid out in her email (points 1 to 3). Therefore, we're very keen to promote/support/reinforce the Open Booking specification with all our commissioned providers in Westminster, including our Leisure Contractor; Everyone Active, assuming it satisfies the additional requirements for our project.

The ActiveWestminster project needs to continually support our residents in their physical activity, leisure and/or sport journey - so the features of the current booking specification focused on supporting new customers are great, but we also need to ensure our residents can make bookings and join waiting lists using their existing memberships if they have them.

I'd be very interested to support helping find common ground in these types of requirements to contribute to the specification.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on any of the details below, thanks.
Eugene Minogue
Head of Physical Activity, Leisure & Sport (PALS)

Westminster City Council  | City Management & Communities | Physical Activity, Leisure & Sport
ActiveWestminster, The Pavilion, Paddington Recreation Ground, Randolph Avenue, Maida Vale, London W9 1PD
020 7641 5891 | 07 940 021 959 |<> |<> |Socials


From: Anne-Marie Errock <<>>
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 9:01 AM
Subject: proposed requirements for booking spec
To: <<>>

Hi all,

We very much support the Open Booking API specification, including the guest checkout and multiple basket items features, however we have come up against a few shortcomings when scoping our upcoming MCRactive project.

For those of you not aware off the Manchester project, we have just started the process of building the following solutions to facilitate the MCRactive membership scheme here in Manchester;

1. A Website, User Portal, Provider Portal and Standardised Booking systems for MCC and Private/Independent sport and leisure services.

2. A central data depository capturing all opportunity and activity participation data from both existing and future IT systems, which will in turn support a single reporting and dashboard functionality.

If anyone would like more detail on the project, feel free to give me a call as I am aware that there is not much detail in the above. As mentioned, we are keen to promote the adoption of the Open Booking specification within this far-reaching project, on the condition that it can satisfy the additional (hopefully minor) requirements below:
1.       A mechanism to get a member ID using OAuth (similar to “log-in with Facebook”), in order to “link” a booking system account to an external account for later use.
2.       A mechanism to use Open Booking to book for specific member IDs, receiving their discounts as appropriate. We are anticipating that Member IDs may be stored and reused by the broker for this purpose.
3.       The ability to pass a unique ID for guest checkout attendees instead of an e-mail address, to allow us to identify and track junior attendees of guest bookings across systems.
I look forward to your responses.

Anne Marie Errock

Website |<>

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Telephone | 07931546227

Address | C/o National Squash Centre & Regional Arena, Etihad Campus, Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF<>


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Anne Marie Errock

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Telephone | 07931546227

Address | C/o National Squash Centre & Regional Arena, Etihad Campus, Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF


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