Summary of 28/2/2018 call - facilities, booking, validation


Here's a quick summary of yesterday's community group call.



I discussed a slightly revised proposal around handling of Facilities. The
changes were mostly around how to approach the modelling. The revised
proposal is based on describing opportunities to book facilities (including
equipment), rather than describing the facilities themselves.

There's a brief summary in the slides, but I've also documented the
proposal on github here:

Please have a read through and add your comments. We had a good discussion
on the call which highlighted some useful additions and helped us test out
the thinking.

I aim to publish a draft of the 1.1 opportunity model specification


The latest working draft of the booking API that the early implementers are
testing can be found here:

Please take a look and add you comments.

*Data Validation*

We ran out of time to discuss approaches to improving quality of the
published data by tightening up the specification and creating some
validation tools. There are some notes in the slides.

We'll discuss this in a future call.



Leigh Dodds, Data Infrastructure Programme Lead,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2018 15:29:27 UTC