Activity use case document - contributions needed

Hello again everyone,

I wanted to share another update and document with you all, and to invite

Our research at the ODI has been continuing, and as part of this we've set
up a spreadsheet to capture examples of different activity scenarios. Our
intention is to use these to:

   - Initially understand the breadth and different aspects of physical
   activity opportunities
   - Later to help inform standardising how we model an event/activity
   - Being able to test the model with real-world examples

As an example, collecting this kind of information can help us to see that
certain events just have a set start and end period, whilst others have a
start and end for the event plus data around the time within this that the
activity will be carried out - e.g. cycling events often show a duration
for the ride time itself as well as a larger general time period for the

You can find the spreadsheet here, where it has been populated with a few
initial scenarios, some based on existing data sets or activities.

We'd really like to start building this out further with your help. I'd
like to invite you to provide us with contributions relevant to your
activities, or to comment on the examples in the spreadsheet.

In addition, you may have seen from previous communications that we've also
set up a survey, which you can find here:

The aim of this is to talk about some of the elements we have broken out
within the spreadsheet more generally, so if this is a better way for you
to respond please let us know your thoughts that way.

I look forward to seeing what you contribute!



Sally Jenkinson
*ODI Associate*
The Open Data Institute <>
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 13:53:30 UTC