Re: [OntoLex] Next OntoLex Telco doodle poll

Dear Julia, all,

  what is the status of the proposed meeting with Christian?

I can not do the 30th of October, but seven people are available (three 
years included ;-) so please have the meeting with Christian without me.

Other than that, I wonder if we should have a regular meeting on the 
22nd of October to either prepare the meeting with Christian or discuss 
other topics.

Julia/Jorge: is there anything we could discuss on the 22nd from your side?

Btw. John and myself pushed the most recent updates on ontolex to the 
W3C servers.



Am 08.10.18 um 13:23 schrieb Julia Bosque Gil:
> Dear all,
> Here is the link to the doodle poll for the date of the next OntoLex 
> telco. Some of you have already voted. October 30th could be an option 
> to discuss with Christian Chiarcos how to model frequency. Also, this 
> set of dates for the next telco gives a chance to give your input in 
> case Mondays do not work out for you :)
> Best,
> Julia
> -- 
> Julia Bosque Gil
> PhD Student
> Ontology Engineering Group <>
> Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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Received on Friday, 12 October 2018 06:30:32 UTC