Changes in synsem and vartrans

Dear all,

  I have implemented now all the changes in the vartrans module that 
Manuel, Jorge and Lupe pointed me to. Also the ontologies and the 
examples have been updated...

Let me also say that I have done a number of more fundamental changes in 
the synsem module in agreement with John. Fortunately, these are rather 
conceptual changes and have little impact on the actual way the model 
will be used. In fact, from the structure these changes are quite 
backwads compatible both with what we had so far as well as with the 
original lemon model.

Let me explain a bit the rationale for this....

It has been clear that there has been quite some discussion on the 
SemanticFrame class and in particular whether there is such a thing as a 
semantic argument in the model and whether semantic arguments are 
distinct from each other...

It seems to me that the main issue has been that the SemanticFrame class 
has been interpreted differently as it was supposed to. Essentialy, this 
class was supposed to represent the bindings of arguments of ontological 
predicates to the syntactic arguments they are realized by. However, I 
agree that the name "SemanticFrame" makes one think about "Frames" in 
the tradition of Framenet, which actually in our case would play the 
role of ontological "references" rather than of Lexical Senses.

Further, it was indeed awkard to say that a SemanticFrame is a subclass 
of LexicalSense.

Thus, John came up with a proposal I like quite a lot and which I have 
implemented in the wiki, ontology and examples already. The proposal 
consists in renaming a few classes to make their actual role and 
function better graspable and to avoid confusion with other related but 
not equivalent concepts. So here is the proposed renaming:

SemanticFrame -> OntoMap (reflecting that it actually specifies how the 
ontological arguments of a predicate "map" to syntactic arguments of a 
syntactic frame and the other way round; this thus more or less 
corresponds to the SynSemCorrespondence in KMF).

SemanticArgument -> obsolete (not needed anymore)

Syntactic Argument and Syntactic Frame -> stay as they are

semArg -> ontoCorrespondence (to make clear that it establishes a 
correspondence between an ontological argument and a syntactic argument)

subframe -> submap (to be consistent with renaming SemanticFrame as OntoMap)

I hope you all agree with these changes. Please review them carefully. 
We will have chance to discuss them on the 17th of Juli where we will 
have the final telco on the model.

I send a separate email to remind us all of the upcoming discussion on 
the LIME module this week.

Kind regards,


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Monday, 6 July 2015 08:20:26 UTC