no telco this week

Dear all,

  this is to announce that there will be no ontolex telco this week.

We decided the following on the last telco:

1) Introduce a semantic frame class explicitly in the model, with 
appropriate axiomatizations (to be discussed in more detail).

2) Introduce the LexicalizationSet class as a logical partition of the 
lexicalizations in a dataset, pointing to a dataset via 
lime:referenceDataset and one or many lexica via lime:lexiconDataset.

More will follow, stay tuned.

Best regards,


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 21:35:26 UTC