Re: [public-oilgaschem] <none>


After looking at a wikipedia article on semantic interoperability I
couldn't help but think about Noam Chomsky when he talks about the
commonalities of language.

For example, see:

Chomsky - Universal Grammar

Noam Chomsky, "Current Problems in the Study of Language and Mind"

Noam Chomsky, "Grammar, Mind, and Body - A Personal View"

and more...


On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Brent Shambaugh

> Luiz, Roger, and others:
> I'm interested in peer-to-peer type economies. I do believe that semantic
> technologies hold a lot of promise for them, but I am unsure about the
> business side. Regrettably, I also have a lot to learn about CS. However,
> I've spent a long time studying the chemical engineering field.
> At this point, I'm not sure how I can help. However, I'm sure that there
> are a lot of exciting things and people here.
> -Brent
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Roger Cutler <>wrote:
>> That would be a good idea.  If there is enough interest we can try
>> resurrecting the Thursday morning telcons.  That's scheduled for every
>> other Thursday at 10 AM East Coast time (that's 7 AM on the West Coast).
>>  But I think before doing that we should have interest expressed by a
>> number of people and discussion topics proposed.
>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Luiz Olavo Bonino <>wrote:
>>> Hi Brent,
>>> I'd also like to see the community active again. Oil & gas is a very
>>> nice area for semantic-based interoperability issues, which is my main
>>> interest subject.
>>> Any ideas on how to re-activate the community? Maybe (re)start
>>> discussions on concrete problems?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Luiz
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Brent Shambaugh <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Okay, thanks.
>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:51 AM, Roger Cutler <>wrote:
>>>>> Well, I suggest that you monitor the email to the group for signs of
>>>>> activity, but right now the group is inactive.
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Brent Shambaugh <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Oil, Gas, and Chem Group,
>>>>>> Later this year, I may have some time to focus on this area. I'd like
>>>>>> to get to know you better.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Brent Shambaugh
>>>>>> I've worked with polymers, I teach chemistry, I'm currently
>>>>>> researching how to build better economies.
>>>>>> Website:
>>>> --
>>>> Brent Shambaugh
>>>> I've worked with polymers, I teach chemistry, I'm currently researching
>>>> how to build better economies.
>>>> Website:
>>> --
>>> _______________
>>> Luiz Olavo Bonino
> --
> Brent Shambaugh
> I've worked with polymers, I teach chemistry, I'm currently researching
> how to build distributed economies.
> Website:

Received on Saturday, 20 April 2013 22:56:35 UTC