Joining the group


My name is Daniel Hladky and I work for the W3C Russia office and I am also
at HSE (National Research University - Higher School of Economics).
HSE is a a full member and HSE is also the host of W3C Russia.

I am personally interested to join the group and I am also interested to
link and coordinate Russian activities.

I have met last week an University called and they
are very much interested to join W3C and the BG Oil & Gas.

Further I will have another meeting with an Oil & Gas group coordinated by
HSE on April 25.

Taking into the account the process (administration) of having new members
to sign I think we will be not ready by April 15, 2012.

Therefore my questions:

-          Can Russian members join later and still participate at the BG
Oil & Gas

-          Can I as W3C Russia or HSE join the group and play in the
meantime the interface to the Russian members

-          What are the next dates of the roadmap

Many thanks for your feedback.

Regards / С наилучшими пожеланиями,

*Daniel** **Hladky*

Deputy Director W3C Office Russia     Transforming the Web together

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*Phone:* +7-(495)-436 0245  |  *Mobile:* +41-79-3535043*
E-mail:*    |    *W: *

*Skype:* daniel.hladky
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Received on Monday, 2 April 2012 15:35:13 UTC