FW: Call For Papers Deadline Approaching - SPE Intelligent Energy 2010



From: SPE Communications [mailto:no-reply@specommunications.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:30 AM
To: Chum, Frank Y
Subject: Call For Papers Deadline Approaching - SPE Intelligent Energy



SPE Intelligent Energy 2010 - Call For Papers Deadline Approaching

Submit Paper Proposals online by 10 July 2009

We would like to remind you that you have until Friday 10th July to
submit your paper proposal for the 3rd International SPE Intelligent
Energy Conference
<http://click.specommunications.org/t/52490/16807055/2040/0/> . The
event is taking place in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 23-25 March 2010
and is entitled 'Delivering Value - Creating Opportunities'.

One of the key challenges faced by all industries at this time is how we
better use intelligence to help address sustainability and environmental
responsibility. The aim of the SPE Intelligent Energy Conference and
Exhibition is to help more companies understand how to apply intelligent
principles to their own part of the oil and gas industry and take a more
holistic approach to Drilling, Production Operations and Well and
Reservoir Management. 

The Programme Committee would therefore welcome papers that incorporate
and build on the theme 'Delivering Value - Creating Opportunities'.
Within this theme, we have identified four categories to focus on:

*	Business as Usual

*	Cost and Value

*	Organisation

*	Future

You have until this Friday, 10th July to submit your Paper Proposals
online <http://click.specommunications.org/t/52490/16807055/5030/0/>
and ensure you are a part of this unique industry event. For a more
detailed outline of the above categories and about the event as a whole,
please visit www.intelligentenergyevent.com/CallForPapers
<http://click.specommunications.org/t/52490/16807055/4798/0/> . 

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

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meetings. Non-members have received this email because they opted to
receive information on this meeting or topic area.

Send an email message to service@spe.org, with "Unsubscribe" in the
subject line. Please also include your name and member number (if
applicable) in the text. 

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Society of Petroleum Engineers
222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, Texas, U.S.A. 75080-2040 



Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2009 18:32:46 UTC