FW: W3C Workshop report on Semantic Web in O&G Industry is now available!

Please send all feedback for the W3C Workshop report to this mailing





From: Chum, Frank Y 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:10 PM
To: fredrick.vanhorne@baesystems.com; meeiyun.hsu@baesystems.com;
rxbenjam@bechtel.com; dkanga@bechtel.com; rpdecarl@bechtel.com;
manoj.dharwadkar@bentley.com; Rahul.Patil@Bentley.com;
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ivan@w3.org; Steve@w3.org; ppridmore@thetus.com; akeen@objectres.com;
Chaminda.Peries@Halliburton.com; S.Holt@Elsevier.com; Bell, Tom R
(TomBell); raf@computas.no; Bill_Logsdon@oxy.com; Mark_Sass@oxy.com;
Yanni_Charalambous@oxy.com; Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler); Chum, Frank Y
Cc: 'Oil & Gas Workshop PC'; 'W3C Recruiting List'; Breunig, Peter A.
(PeterBreunig); Mayfield, Greta A. (Greta.Mayfield)
Subject: W3C Workshop report on Semantic Web in O&G Industry is now


Dear W3C Workshop participants,


It was a pleasure meeting you last week at Chevron's offices in Houston.
On behalf of the program committee for the W3C Workshop on Oil & Gas, I
am pleased to announce that the report is now published here: 
http://www.w3.org/2008/12/ogws-report.html.  I have also attached the
two meeting minutes which we have collaboratively captured during the 2


One important take away from the Workshop I would like to summarize
here, is that the value proposition of Semantic Web technology is based
technically on its:

1.       expressivity,

2.       flexibility,

3.       automated inference, and

4.       standards-based interoperability.


We appreciate your personal participation and the support of your
organization in this W3C Workshop, and we look forward to continuing
conversations as we build a community of interest around the application
of Semantic Web technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry. We invite your
comments on the report as well as thoughts for ways in which you and
your colleagues may best be able to participate in future W3C


Some potential next steps under discussion include: 

*         the creation of a W3C public mailing list; 

*         education and outreach at other industry conferences and

*         drafting of a charter to form a W3C Oil & Gas Interest Group; 

*         sponsorship of an industry expert Fellow to help organize and
lead such a group; and,

*         the development of presentations and educational materials so
that others may learn more about some of challenges and opportunities we
have just begun to discuss.


In order to support these types of activities, we will of course need a
number of industry organizations to actively participate in the work and
to become members of W3C.  If you would like more information about how
to become a member, please contact:

*         Marie-Claire Forgue (email: mcf@w3.org) if your organization's
headquarters are located in Europe, the Middle East or Africa; or, 

*         Karen Myers (email: karen@w3.org) or Michelle Adamic (
madamic@w3.org) if your organization is headquartered in North or South
America or Pacific Rim. 

And, if you would like to talk with Roger Cutler or me about our
experience as members of W3C, please let me know.


Thank you again for your participation in the W3C Workshop. We look
forward to speaking with you again soon.


Happy holidays and best regards,


Frank Chum

Workshop co-chair

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 19:37:56 UTC