Reminder: Webinar revised PREMIS ontology, Thursday 22 Feb. 2018

Apologies for cross-posting.

Preservation Metadata as Linked Data: Revising the PREMIS OWL Ontology
Webinar, Feb. 22, 2018 12:00-1:30 EST
Login URI: <>
The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata consists of a data model about the entities that are part of the process of preserving our valuable digital objects and details the information we need to know to preserve and use them in the future. A supporting XML schema allowed for wide implementation since the Data Dictionary was first released in 2005. Users have expressed a need to model it as Linked Data in RDF to provide a Linked Data-friendly data management function for a preservation repository, allowing for SPARQL querying.  An OWL ontology was developed corresponding to the semantic units in version 2.2 and made available in 2013. After the PREMIS Editorial Committee revised the Data Dictionary with significant modeling changes in version 3, it formed the PREMIS OWL Ontology Revision Team to revise the ontology. The new ontology <> substantially remodeled the previous one, incorporating emerging Linked Data best practices and connections to other relevant RDF ontologies. The working group released a draft version in December 2017 and encourages people in the preservation, metadata and linked data communities to review and provide comments before it is finalized. To introduce the ontology to the community as well as help potential reviewers understand the goals, principles and features of it, the Revision team is conducting a webinar on Feb. 22, 2018 sponsored by the Library of Congress. Questions are encouraged from attendees.

Attendees are expected to be familiar with the PREMIS Data Dictionary and the functions of a preservation repository.

The webinar will address the following:
The use cases considered for using preservation metadata in a Linked Data context
The principles that guided the development of the revision and how they support flexibility
How it reuses external ontologies (e.g. PROV-O, DC terms) and is integrated with the preservation vocabularies at <>
Its robust ways of representing relationships between the main PREMIS entities (Objects, Events, Agents and Rights) and between different objects in the repository
How the community can contribute to the process of finalizing and implementing it

Presenters include:
Rebecca Guenther, Consultant, Library of Congress
Evelyn McLellan, Artefactual Systems
Bertrand Caron, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Elizabeth Russy-Roke, Emory University
Lina Bountouri, NATO

Please join us on Feb. 22 at 12:00-1:30 EST at the following: <>
It is not necessary to sign up in advance. Please enter the site a few minutes early in case you need to download Webex software. A recording of the session  will be made available at the same URL as the webinar. Thanks to the Library of Congress for its sponsorship.

The PREMIS OWL Ontology Revision Team

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 19:03:44 UTC