Re: Tweet

> On 17 May 2016, at 01:43, Emmanuel Desmontils <> wrote:
> 1. My tweeter question
> First, my question posted by tweeter. Imagine you have a database of standard licenses (like RDFLicense <>). Then, Alice ( <>) wants to give her document <> to Bob ( <>). But Alice also wants to use a license derived from a standard one (for example <>). She doesn’t want to copy the license code because of maintaining a copy can be dangerous considering possible modifications. So, she wants to create a license ( <>) which inherits from <> . In ODRL, such license is written like :
> < <>> 
>       a       odrl:Policy ; 
>  odrl:inheritFrom < <>>  .
> My question is : how to declare the Alice’s document as target, Alice as assigner et Bob as assignee ?
> For the first part, it can be (like [HTML] shows in the first example) : 
> < <>> dat:license < <>> .
> But, for the two others, I don’t know how to do.

Something like this:

 a odrl:Policy ;
 odrl:inheritFrom <> ;
 odrl:permission [
  a odrl:Permission ;
  odrl:target <> ;
  odrl:assigner <> ;
  odrl:assignee <>
 ] .


Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2016 11:52:02 UTC