forEachMember of a directory in the asset declaration (ODRL 1.1)

I would ask a question about asset's identification in ODRL version 1.1, in special case when the resource isn't a single file or entity, but an entire group of entities like a file system's directory full of files, more or less heterogeneous (for example, images or tracks).
Could I apply a specific permission on this group of resources if I indicate the asset via the directory's URI and I use the forEachMember constraint to specify that the permission must be apply on every directory's element?
I imagine a situation like this in the following example:

	 <constraint id="student01">
	 <constraint idref="student01" type="">

but applied at the asset entity.
Can I identify ad asset via a directory's URI?
Thanks a lot for future answers!
My best regards.

Farinelli Agnese

Received on Monday, 23 March 2015 15:36:47 UTC