Re: Version 2.1 spec URLs

On  2015-Feb-06, at 11:57, Renato Iannella <> wrote:

> Dear all, as we near the end of the ODRL Version  2.1 Last Call (16 Feb), we should now consider the final URLs of these specs.

> Now, the ODRL V2.* Ontology will always be at this URL:
> So we need to consider the URLs (under*) for the other 4 specs.
> One suggestion could be:

It’s worth noting, though doesn’t directly alter things, that /ns/odrl/2/ *also* serves XML and JSON if it’s got up to date copies (either direct representation-specific URLs, or through content negotiation) so they could just be the canonical URLs for the non-draft versions of those, too?

They can be added to/tweaked/etc. as needed (by anybody with CVS & Hg access, in fact!)

The page under /ns/odrl/2 links back to /community/odrl, of course, and I could probably tweak the code which generates that HTML so that it knows about the actual file (XSD, JSON, etc.) vs the document describing it (under /community/odrl/) - at the moment it just links to the actual representations (it’s derived from code which assumes the representations will be identical serialisations of the same vocab, which isn’t strictly the case with ODRL).


Mo McRoberts - Chief Technical Architect - Archives & Digital Public Space,
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Received on Friday, 6 February 2015 12:46:23 UTC