Hierarchical assets in ODRL 1.1

Hello!! I'm here again.
I have an item, a musical score, that is composed by several subitems. The sum of all the single parts, each one reserved for a specific musical instrument (like piano, flute, violin, ecc), is the entire musical score. In facts, the instrument parts are all subitems of the musical score. 
Right now, my problem is: how can I create an asset element similiar to the musical score within which I might enumerate several subassets like instrumental parts? I would create an asset element that contains several subasset elements, where each one is identified by an ID, in the same way of the following example:

		<asset id=“001”>
			<asset id=“011”> … </asset>
			<asset id=“012”> … </asset>
			<asset id=“013”> … </asset>
			<asset id=“013”/>
		<permission> (*)
			<asset id=“001”/>

(*) in this case I apply the print permission on all the subassets, right?

I'm looking for a solution for this problem because I need to associate different permission to different assets and subassets (like in the previous example). 
Is it possible to represent a hierarchy of assets? Can I insert subassets or sequences of subassets within a bigger asset and can I refer at these subassets like if they were normal assets?
I pose those questions because I think (maybe I’m wrong) isn't possible to create an assets hierarchy in this way in ODRL 1.1, and maybe you have any suggestions to resolve this doubt.
I could think about the possibility to create a group of asset elements, and I could handle this group like an asset element, but I'm not very sure of this solution.
Another solution could be create a first asset like a parent element, while all other assets are child element from the first asset element, with the expressions inheritance system. In this case, based on the example that I can find in the ODRL 1.1 standard document, my question is: can I declare parent and children assets in the same offer, within the same rights? Could be the right solution for my problem?

Thanks at all for future answers, you're always so patient and gentle with me.
My best regards.

Farinelli Agnese

Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 13:45:01 UTC