Re: [nfc] Verify security model

The ```id``` field is left to be used by applications.
The NDEF technical spec 
>The value of the ID field is an identifier in the form of a URI 
reference [RFC 3986] (see sections 2.4.3 and 4.4). The required 
uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the generator. 
The URI reference can be either relative or absolute; NDEF does not 
define a base URI which means that user applications using relative 
URIs MUST provide an actual or a virtual base URI (see [RFC 3986]).

> If the NDEF format isn't flexible enough that we can accomplish 
that, then mozilla is unlikely to implement anything.

I think what I proposed above should technically solve the 
requirement. There are a couple of ways how exactly to achieve that, 
so we need to discuss that. But there is no doubt that if we want to 
achieve that web pages can read only "web tags", it can be done by a 
special formatting, but by _using_ the NDEF format with an 
encapsulated internal formatting, and not by redefining the NDEF 
format itself. 

GitHub Notif of comment by zolkis

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 19:51:17 UTC