Re: help wanted with <sub-head> custom elmenent

> On 4 May 2014 18:00, François REMY <> wrote:

I’m not sure why you need polymer or anything JS to use <subhead>; isn’t that tag a simple semantic information? In the spec you linked, at least, there seems to be nothing special to do with that tag by default, it’s just semantic.

> Casting as a custom element provides encapsulation of default styles within the element definition file, it also provides the ability to add > the semantic information role and label dependent on its use as a child or sibling of a Hx element.

> It also provides the ability to implement string localization for the role description (label).

Thanks, those are good arguments indeed. What do you need help for, exactly?

Received on Sunday, 4 May 2014 20:35:31 UTC