prollyfill registry [Was: Re: URL comparison]

[ sorry for the cross-posting but not clear which list(s) to remove) ]

On 5/1/13 6:05 PM, ext Clint Hill wrote:
> I'd like to add to what Brian is saying below: This is effectively the
> goal of the public-nextweb group as I see it. We want to provide a way for
> developers to build these types of prollyfills and .. More importantly ..
> Share and publicize them to get the necessary exposure and feedback.
> Without that second part there is no point in the first. I think
> could be more useful if it acted as a registry for these
> things. In fact Brian and I did this with Hitch (leveraging Github as the
> source host) and I tend to believe this is the right way. Right now there
> is a wiki listing the known prollyfills out in the wild but maybe this is
> not easy to find and not easy to provide feedback too.
> It's my opinion that turn into a registry that is simply
> pointer to Github projects.
> Thoughts?

Having a reliable and up-to-date registry/service like you describe 
seems like a good idea.

(I am indifferent as to where that service is hosted and managed. If any 
of the data is relevant for WebApps' specs, we could add a reference to 
the relevant spec in WebApps' [PubStatus] document, as is already done 
for some specs re CanIUse for implementation data.)


[PubStatus] <>

> On 5/1/13 10:03 AM, "Brian Kardell" <> wrote:
>> + the public-nextweb list...
>> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Anne van Kesteren <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Brian Kardell <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> We created a prollyfill for this about a year ago (called :-link-local
>>>> instead of :local-link for forward compatibility):
>>> Cool!
>>>> If you can specify the workings, we (public-nextweb community group)
>>>> can rev
>>>> the prollyfill, help create tests, collect feedback, etc so that when
>>>> it
>>>> comes time for implementation and rec there are few surprises.
>>> Did you get any feedback thus far about desired functionality,
>>> problems that are difficult to overcome, ..?
>>> --
>> We have not uncovered much on this one other than that the few people
>> who commented were confused by what it meant - but we didn't really
>> make a huge effort to push it out there... By comparison to some
>> others it isn't a very 'exciting' fill (our :has() for example had
>> lots of comment as did our mathematical attribute selectors) - but we
>> definitely can.  I'd like to open it up to these groups where/how you
>> think might be an effective means of collecting necessary data -
>> should we ask people to contribute comments to the list? set up a git
>> project where people can pull/create issues, register tests/track fork
>> suggestions, etc?  Most of our stuff for collecting information has
>> been admittedly all over the place (twitter, HN, reddit, blog
>> comments, etc), but this predates the nextweb group and larger
>> coordination, so I'm *very happy* if we can begin to change that.
>> --
>> Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2013 11:43:11 UTC