Re: Task Queues as a primitive

Only MS was supportive if spec in the past so the spec didn't go far in the group. However, at the last webperf workshop, there seems sime interest in pushing it further. So there is a good chance we'll move it by the end of the year. MS implemented it if I remember correctly.


Robin Berjon <> wrote:

>Hi PLH,
>do you know why the beautifully named setImmediate spec from WebPerf 
>seems to have been in limbo for a while? Implementer problem, lack of 
>editorial work, dearth of interest?
>Concerned Extensible Web people would love to know!
>On 01/07/2013 18:04 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> There is also the setImmidate() spec (which seems to have stagnated
>> for a few years!):

sent from my mobile

Received on Monday, 1 July 2013 17:13:09 UTC