Re: Web Wishes

> I don't think we want to have a WebGAC of WebCOM. I just want URLs 
> corresponding to a service that can be discovered and then messaged with.

This is exactly what GAC is about: a local repository of file paths to DLL 
and what they can be used for :) Then you would load one of those libraries 
and interact with it using a standards set of defined APIs just like you 
propose ;-)

> Yes, I realise that that's a *lot* like a high-level description of COM 
> (or any variants). But the details can, IMHO, be an awful lot simpler.

Of course. COM is a native technology that has to deal with non-GCed 
languages, low-level interfaces, and all those kinds of things a web 
platform should never care about.

Still, I believe a "QueryInterface"-like method would be very nice because 
relying only on postMessage is a bit messy. For example, a component may 
want to have a "CommandSource" interface that yields a list of commands to 
the parent environement so that the user can bind custom keyboard shortcuts 
to them or add them to toolbars (ie: surfacing custom commands from the 
component to the parent application). That kind of stuff is really the 
starting point from where the community can start experimenting, because if 
you don't have that, the experience is usually limited to what the parent 
environment supports.

> Yes. And let a thousand grassroot standards bloom. I reckon this has 
> something to do with what we're about :)

Clearly but the fact you want people to fly freely doesn't prevent you from 
creating airports for them to land, orelse they'll just take the train ;-) 

Received on Monday, 1 July 2013 13:54:04 UTC