Re: <main>

On Nov 28, 2012 10:36 AM, "Clint Hill" <> wrote:
> My first inclination on this is that it's a polyfill (akin to the
header/footer/article/section shims that exist already). But due to the
additional behavior specified in the draft and relationship to the ARIA
role - this could be a prollyfill.

No, its not a polyfill as it isn't in a spec and there are 0
implementations.  That is the point actually, check the threads... it's a
lot of speculation about what people might or might not do if they had it.

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

> I guess I would say it's an interesting prolyfill if specified this way:
> A new HTML element that can be associated to WIA-ARIA landmark role and
is hooked to DOM events relatable to that landmark role.
> In other words, I'm of the opinion that a prollyfill for "main" is to
limited to this 1 use case and that I see opportunity for more use cases. I
don't know, I still feel like it's a polyfill and a solved problem. I'd
like more opinion from others.
> On Nov 28, 2012, at 8:14 AM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
>> We have been having this discussion on twitter, but I think it is
appropriate to have here ...
>> If you haven't been following, there is a split over whether to add a
<main> element.  Here is a decent place to start reading where you can
follow lots of relevant links:
>> The question I put to this group is:  is prollyfilling tags like this a
worthwhile exercise to help answer questions like the ones raised here "in
the wild".  I definitely think so, but I get the sense that we might not
all share that opionion.
>> Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 15:39:41 UTC