Re: Alex Russell on Polyfills and some other thoughts...

On Nov 17, 2012 10:34 AM, "François REMY" <>
> |  I prefer the proposed api go into a prefixed or data- or x-
> |  form so that it is parallel with the proposal, so if it evolves
> |  to the point where it becomes native there is no risk of the
> |  unexpected.
> That's what I was afraid when I spoke about implementing faithfully an
ever-changing spec. Prefixing is probably a key solution to avoid problems,
but we can also burry prefixing inside the code generator.

Sure, and the advantage is that unlike traditional browser prefixing, you
only ever need one.

True polyfills are a different story entirely of couse as they are meant to
fill mature established function with good parity (in theory - our aim
should be to make that read 'in practice'"  IMO.

Received on Saturday, 17 November 2012 15:37:19 UTC