[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Encrypted Media Extensions is W3C Proposed Recommendation'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Call for Review:
Encrypted Media Extensions is W3C Proposed Recommendation' (Advisory
Committee) for Opera Software AS by Simon Pieters.

Regarding the "Encrypted Media Extensions" specification, the reviewer 
suggests changes, and only supports publication as a Recommendation if the
changes are adopted [Formal Objection].

Additional comments about the specification:
   Since browsers are shipping EME, it makes sense to reach

However, in order to avoid a chilling effect of security research[1] for
browsers supporting EME, we believe the W3C should adopt EFF’s Covenant
proposal [2]. Also see [3] (paragraph 3 onward).

[3] https://blog.whatwg.org/drm-and-web-security

The reviewer's organization:
   - produces products addressed by this specification
   - expects to produce products conforming to this specification.

Comments about products related to these specifications:
   Opera products based on Chromium support EME.

General comments:
   We believe that any restrictions that may impact the security research
and the atmosphere of trust and cooperation within the security improvement
process is undoubtedly counter-productive and has no benefit for any of the
parties in the long-term perspective.

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/eme-pr-2017/ until 2017-04-13.


 The Automatic WBS Mailer

Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 08:48:08 UTC