SVG Mapping Community Group created

W3C has launched the SVG Mapping Community Group:


The mission of SVG Mapping Community Group (SVGMapCG) is to build
requirements for SVG based Web Mapping through a discussion of use
regarding map services.

One of the key technologies for SVG Web Mapping is dynamic Tiling &
Layering, which realizes zoom and pan display of maps in an efficient
manner. The other technologies for the mapping (e.g. Shared Path,
Vector Effects and etc.) are also necessary. Although these
functionalities will be standardized as part of SVG 2 in SVG WG, the
focus of discussion is for general use and the discussion may lack
particular aspects for map services.

Therefore, our main scope is to investigate whether these generic
functions are enough or not to resolve challenges inherent in mapping,
and to provide WGs (e.g. SVG and Geolocation) feedback from our
observation. Envisioned issues for Web Mapping are a common coordinate
system for map contents and a projection.
Another issue is a relationship to other GIS communities (OpenLayers,
Open Street Map, WMS, and etc.) outside W3C. They have developed
map-related standards and frameworks, and we need to clarify our
interrelationship and consider collaboration if necessary.


In order to join the group, you will need a W3C Account. To request one:

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires
the attention of the W3C staff, please send us email on

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 13:16:18 UTC