WIMS' 14: 4th International Conf. on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics


WIMS' 14: 4th International Conf. on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-4 June 2014

About WIMS’14 Conference
WIMS is a series of peer-reviewed International Computer Science
conferences. It is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present
their state-of-the-art results in building *the* Intelligent Web, to
examine performance characteristics of various approaches in Web-based
intelligent information technology, and to cross-fertilize their ideas on
the development of Web-based intelligent information management solutions
across   different domains.

This year WIMS is putting additional focus on applications and case
studies, and has arranged for 2 excellent keynote speakers in this area:

- “Semantic Technology for online, broadcast and print media”: Jem
Rayfield, Head Architect, Financial Times.
- “Big Data – from Hype to Reality”: Richard Benjamins, Director of
Business Intelligence, Telefonica.

To complement these keynote presentations, WIMS welcomes submissions to the
Application & Case Study track as detailed below.

Call for Application and Case Study Track Papers
The goal of this track is to provide opportunities for researchers,
innovators, industry leaders, and practitioners to present and exchange
ideas, results, and experiences in the applications of Web Intelligence,
Mining, and Semantics (WIMS). The Application & Case Studies Track invites
submissions describing implementations of Web Intelligence, Mining, and
Semantics in industrial, government, or other ‘real world’ settings. Papers
must include descriptions of how the applications have been conceived,
developed, and (probably) deployed.

Details about the submission types and the submission procedure of this
track can be found at:

Conference Scope
WIMS solicits regular and work-in-progress research, discussion papers and
industry experience report papers in related fields. Papers exploring new
directions or areas  are also welcome. In particular, but not exclusively,
the submissions within the following major areas are relevant:

- Scalable Web and Data Architectures and Infrastructures
- Web Intelligence
- Web Mining, Information and Knowledge Extraction
- Linked Data
- Web Semantics and Reasoning
- WIMS Applications
- Big Data
- Evaluation and Validation of WIMS Technologies and Applications

More details about the conference scope and topics can be found at:

Important Dates
Abstract Deadline:  January 13, 2014
Full Paper Submission Deadline: January 20, 2014
Notification of Acceptance:  March 24, 2014
Camera-Ready Submission:  April 7, 2014
07.04.2014         – author registration deadline
02-04.06.2014         – Conference

Accepted papers will be published by ACM and disseminated through the ACM
Digital Library through the International Conference Proceedings Series
(ICPS). A selection of the best WIMS'14 papers will be invited to be
revised and extended for the post-conference publication in the Special
Issue of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools

The proceedings of the previous WIMS conferences can be seen at:
- WIMS’11: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1988688
- WIMS’12: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2254129
- WIMS’13: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2479787

WIMS'14 is organized under the auspices of the Dept. of Informatics at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. (http://www.csd.auth.gr/en/)

WIMS Conferences Chair
Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway

General Chairs
Ioannis Vlahavas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Takahira Yamaguchi, Keio University, Japan

Program Committee Chairs
Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vadim Ermolayev, Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine

Advisory Committee
Grigoris Antoniou, University of Huddersfield, UK
Harold Boley, Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick,
Fredericton, Canada
James Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Guus Schreiber, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amit Sheth, Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Computing, Ohio,

Industrial Track Chair
John Davies, BT, UK

Received on Friday, 13 December 2013 12:15:46 UTC