Re: [N3] What is the meaning of '=', 'has ...', and 'is ... of'?

Thank you for your answer, William!

Le lundi 13 novembre 2023 à 08:34 -0500, William Van Woensel a écrit :
> > On Nov 12, 2023, at 5:38 PM, Vivien Kraus <>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Notation-3 authors,
> > 
> > In the process of implementing Solid, I am starting with a
> > Notation-3
> > parser. I made good progress, however I am still puzzled about a
> > few
> > aspects of the specification.
> > 
> > I intended to use the same parser for both Turtle and Notation3,
> > but
> > the incompatibility between N3 collections and RDF collections is
> > worrying me a bit. It is not explicitely incompatible, but I wonder
> > what would happen if a N3 PATCH request were to modify a RDF
> > collection
> > with a N3 syntax. This is a purely hypothetical problem right now,
> > as
> > Solid won’t accept blank nodes in PATCH requests.
> Note that in the N3 spec, N3 collections are more than RDF
> collections with an easier syntax - they are terms in their own
> right. The original member submission describes the latter as a
> reification of the former, and shows how extra axioms can make N3 and
> RDF collections equivalent.

This is not a big problem, but I love the idea of streaming triples. It
is at the heart of the Turtle parser. If I have to wait for a large
closed collection to be parsed, then it defeats the purpose I guess.

> > I am leaning on the Turtle specification to know how to parse a
> > stream
> > of triples. I believe the parser state and productions described in
> > the
> > Turtle document could be adapted to Notation3 by simply recording
> > the
> > current formula and adjusting for pathes, but I may be missing
> > something still.
> (I am assuming you are aware of the N3 grammar and its EBNF format).
> Regarding parser state, I used ANTLR to generate an N3 parser for
> jen3 (an N3-extended version of Apache Jena) and construct
> corresponding “N3Models” in the N3GraphInserter class. Maybe this can
> give you some ideas for your own parser (but, possibly some of the
> complexity there is no longer needed, as we are now avoiding explicit
> quantification(. Note that the spec also has some algorithms for path
> parsing, which can be quite tricky IMO - path resolution is also
> implemented in that class.
> > I use a yacc/bison-like parser generator. It is possible to produce
> > the
> > triples (quads if we are working with formulas) in the correct
> > order,
> > but it requires overloading the IPLSTART, [, ( and { terminals with
> > non-terminals (to mint the new node early) and make sure the triple
> > with the new node is emitted only once. I also had to create a
> > couple
> > extra nonterminals to clear the state for path resolution. The
> > formulaContent rule is hard to translate to yacc/bison, because of
> > the
> > separation dot after n3Statements. The rule for a collection is
> > also
> > hard to translate. I managed to bypass both problems by adding new
> > rules.
> Unsure what particular issues you ran into. Maybe the n3.g4 file that
> I created for ANTLR can help.

I should have started by describing my approach first, sorry.

The run-time library of my favorite programming language [Guile] has a
built-in parser generator for (PEG and) LALR grammars, but not for LL
grammars. I believe the Notation-3 grammar is LL. So, I want to convert
the Notation-3 grammar to LALR first. It can be done with a few extra
rules. If done naively, the triples that are produced when creating a
new IRI / blank node property list / collection are emitted last,
rather than first. I would guess that it is linked to the difference
between LL and LR parsing, but I am in no way an expert on these
subjects. However, the emission order can be fixed by overloading the
IPLSTART / [ / ( non-terminals to emit triples early. This trick is
described as an alternative to "Mid-Rule Actions" in [Bison].



> > Other than that, I am not sure what the verb keywords "has
> > expression",
> > "is expression of" and "=" mean. I guess "is expression of" is the
> > same
> > as "<-". Maybe "has expression" is the same as "expression"? I
> > don’t
> > know for "=".
> The “=“ is a shorthand for owl:sameAs (I believe this was copied from
> turtle) - you are right that it does not seem to be documented :-(
That seems obvious now that you said it, thanks!

> The "is … of” production is described in the EBNF grammar section:
> "The original N3 grammar allowed the inverting of a property by using
> the @is .. @of construct. But, this construct can be unintuitive when
> property names are more verbosely specified (e.g., :hasFather),
> leading to statements such as ?x @is :hasFather @of ?y. The is ...
> of construct is still supported, but the above statement can now be
> represented as follows: ?x <- :hasFather ?y.”
That was my guess, but I wanted clarification for the @ prefix. Thank

What about "has"? I can read that section “C. Changes since the Team
Submission” lists the “Removed @has.” item (not renamed to “has”, but
really removed, as opposed to @is .. @of which has been renamed).
However, “has” is still in the grammar.

> > In section Relationship to Other Languages, Turtle (5.1), you write
> > about these keywords:
> > 
> >     All keywords can be optionally preceded by "@", for consistency
> >     with the "@prefix" and "@base" keywords.
> > 
> > I am not sure this is reflected in the grammar.
> You are right, this statement is outdated - we chose to leave out the
> “@“ prefixes from the grammar.


Received on Monday, 13 November 2023 16:18:55 UTC