Re: Example how to count in N3

Sweeet! As bonus with both examples I also got more insights how lists work internally 🙂
From: Jos De Roo <>
Sent: 22 July 2022 21:09
To: William Van Woensel <>
Cc: Patrick Hochstenbach <>; <>
Subject: Re: Example how to count in N3

Another way that would also work with Cwm is

@prefix rdf: <<>>.
@prefix math: <<>>.
@prefix : <<>>.

:Collection :parts (:part1 :part2 :part3).

  ?subject :parts ?parts.
  ?parts rdf:first ?part.
  ?parts rdf:rest ?rest.
  ?rest math:memberCount ?count.
  ?part :order ?count .
  ?x :parts ?rest .


$ cwm /tmp/count.n3 --think --data
#Processed by Id
        #    using base file:///tmp/count.n3
             @prefix : <<>> .

    :Collection     :parts  (
        :part3 ) .

    :part1     :order 2 .

    :part2     :order 1 .

    :part3     :order 0 .



On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 8:54 PM William Van Woensel <<>> wrote:
Hi Patrick

Try list:iterate<>. See<> for an example.

(This is a new builtin introduced by the community group and supported by eye and jen3.)


On Jul 22, 2022, at 9:49 AM, Patrick Hochstenbach <<>> wrote:

Hi all,

I need a way to count things using N3 but I don't know yet how this could be done.
E.g. as data input I have:

:Collection :parts (:part1 :part2 :part3 ...).

As output I would like to get

:part1 :order 1 .
:part2 :order 2.
:part3 :order 3.

I know I can loop over a list using the list:member:

@prefix list: <<>>.

  ?subject :parts ?parts .
  ?parts list:member ?part .
  ?part :order 1 .

But I fail to find a way to add a counter for order. Any hints available?



Received on Saturday, 23 July 2022 04:50:24 UTC