:imports relation for access control


  I have a use case for an :imports relation that is somewhat close
to owl:imports for access control, as described here:


See also the illustration here:


The idea is that the rules that apply to a resource are those that can be found in
a resource linked by an HTTP `Link: <xxx.acl>; rel=acl` header.

But one does not want to repeat all that information in each resource’ ACL
as that could lead to a lot of duplicated RDF all around which would create
a maintenance nightmare, so one wants to link to the definitions and import

Just wondering what people thought of this here.

Henry Story

PS. Does anyone here have knowledge of RelBAC?
 I wrote up a list of links to that access control description logic
 It actually seems to me that the ACL ontology is a reified version of relbac.

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Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2021 08:51:21 UTC