Re: Blank node quantification

On 23/06/2021 00:13, Dörthe Arndt wrote:
> Dear all,
> As we identified them as different topics, I will treat dynamic 
> scoping and context dependent quantification as two different cases:
> 1. Dynamic scoping: After carefully reading William’s mail again, I am 
> still not sure whether I fully understand what you want here. Do you 
> want the following to be correct (copied from our meeting minutes, not 
> supported by EYE)?
> _:y :b :c.
> {?U_0 :b ?U_1} => {{?U_0 :u :v} => {?U_1 :b :c}}.
> Produces
> {?U_2 :u :v} => {:c :b :c}.
> If so,  I dislike the whole idea because it seems to be far away from 
> first order logic and thereby from RDF. How would you write a proof 
> for the reasoning above?  How would you  translate it into first order 
> logic (this should be possible in this case since we do not use cited 
> formulas).

big +1 here.

> 2. As a second point, I thought about the context dependent 
> quantifiers and I think having these would break our built-ins. As an 
> example, take log:semantics:
> If we have a file containing a blank node like for example
> [] a :Unicorn.
> „Unicorns exist."
> And we write a rule saying that we do not trust the information in 
> that file using log:semantics:
> {<example.n3> log:semantics ?x} => {we doubt ?x }.
> Using the traditional interpretation, we would conclude
> :we doubt {[ ] a :Unicorn.}.
> „We doubt that unicorns exist“
> This would be exactly what I would expect here. But the last 
> expression would, following the new proposal, mean: „There is some 
> instance x and we doubt that this instance is a unicorn.“ This is not 
> what log:semantics is expected to do.

I thought about log:semantics too, but I came to the conclusion that 
this problem arises /as soon/ as we get rid of explicit quantifiers, no 
matter what convention we use for implicit quantifiers.

Change the content of example.n3 to:

     ?x a :Person.

     "Everything is a Person"

Your rule above now produces

     :we :doubt { ?x a :Person }.

     "We doubt that /anything/ is a Person  /   For all X, we doubt that 
X is a Person"

which is also problematic (even more, I would say, than with 
existentials, because here the produced conclusion is *stronger* than 
what one would expect). And that is already the case with the convention 
we have right now. :-/

One way out of this conundrum would be to consider that some formulae 
(such as the ones extracted by log:semantics) can not be expressed 
between curly brackets... Possibly, a special literal datatype could be 
used instead?

Another way out, of course, would be to reintroduce explicit quantifiers....

> The built-in is meant to provide the content of a file which can then 
> be used for further reasoning. So, here we need some extra solution. 
> We could try to use a skolem iri in the output and simply create a 
> witness.
> :we doubt {:skolemiri_x a :Unicorn.}.
> This solution is not wrong, but we loose information here.
> You can see a modified example for the described behavior here (I [] a 
> :Person. instead of [] a :Unicorn. because that triple was already 
> present in the examples we discussed): Link 
> <>
> I did not check yet, but I would expect similar problems for other 
> builtins.
> Kind regards,
> Dörthe
>> Am 22.06.2021 um 20:22 schrieb William Van Woensel 
>> < <>>:
>> On 2021-06-22 12:50 p.m., Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>>> (1) is not absolutely correct, although it "works" for simple cases 
>>> (complex cases being: if you have rules inside rules...) 
>> Can you give an example of where this does not work?
>>> (2) As I pointed out at the end of our last call, the question of 
>>> static vs. dynamic scoping is orthogonal to the question of where we 
>>> put the implicit quantifiers. Let's rephrase by saying that "the 
>>> purpose is to place implicit quantifiers in a way that hopefully 
>>> makes it easier to cleanly implement dynamic scoping".
>> Do you mean static scoping here? ..
>>>> William
>>>> On 2021-06-21 8:25 p.m., Jos De Roo wrote:
>>>>> You are right Doerthe and sorry for my failing recollection :-(
>>>>> Anyhow, as per my action of today's meeting I looked into the 
>>>>> consequences
>>>>> of static (lexical) scoping of bnodes and changed eye accordingly
>>>>> at 
>>>>> <>:
>>>>> 1/ 
>>>>> <> 
>>>>> now
>>>>> produces 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> and so ':d :e :f' is no longer produced.
>>>>> 2/ all the other tests at 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> are still working fine as before.
>>>>> Jos
>>>>> -- <>
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 5:52 PM Dörthe Arndt 
>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>     Hi Pierre Antoine,
>>>>>     I am still reading the comments and thinking about my own
>>>>>     opinion here, but I can say that your proposal has been
>>>>>     implemented some time ago in EYE (I even have an
>>>>>     implementation of my grammar for this case and I formalized it
>>>>>     that way). So, if you want to „play“ with your idea, I think
>>>>>     an EYE version from around 2017 should do what you it (but
>>>>>     please double check with Jos).
>>>>>     Hear you in a few minutes.
>>>>>     Dörthe
>>>>>     > Am 16.06.2021 um 09:26 schrieb Pierre-Antoine Champin
>>>>>     < <>>:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Hi all,
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > here's a crazy idea. I am not even sure I like it myself,
>>>>>     but I wanted to ear others' opinion about it.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > During our last call, William made a point, with which I
>>>>>     agree (assuming I understood it correctly). To sum it up:
>>>>>     people use blank node in data more as "local" identifiers than
>>>>>     as proper existential variables. This pleads for quantifying
>>>>>     blank nodes at the top level.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > On the other hand, as we also pointed out during the call,
>>>>>     blank nodes as used in rule bodies (and rule heads, I believe)
>>>>>     need to be quantified locally.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Hence my crazy idea: why not make the scope of blank node
>>>>>     determined by the log:implies (=>) predicate?
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > More precisely:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > * a formula that is the subject or object of log:implies
>>>>>     defines a new scope for blank nodes
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > * any other formula inherits the scope of its immediate parent
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > * blank nodes in the top level scope are quantified *before*
>>>>>     universals (which is consistent with viewing them as "local
>>>>>     constants")
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Below is a long (apologies) list of examples.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > WDYT?
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >   pa
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Examples 1:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     :alice :belives { [] a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     [] a :Person.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > is equivalent to (using old-style explicit quantifiers)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >    @forSome v:u, v:p.
>>>>>     >    :alice :belives { v:u a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >    v:p a :Person.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > ----
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Example 2:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     { [] a :Unicorn } => { :world a :MagicalPlace }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > is equivalent to (using old-style explicit quantifiers)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     { @forSome v:u. v:u a :Unicorn } => { :world a
>>>>>     :MagicalPlace }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > (i.e. no change with today's interpretation)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > ----
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Example 3:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     { ?x a :Person } => { ?x :mother [] }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > is equivalent to (using old-style explicit quantifiers)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     { ?x a :Person } => { @forSome v:m. ?x :mother v:m }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > (i.e. no change with today's interpretation)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > ----
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Example 4:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     :alice :belives { [] a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     { ?x :believes { [] a :Unicorn } } => { ?x a
>>>>>     :GulliblePerson }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > is equivalent to (using old-style explicit quantifiers)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     @forSome v:u1.
>>>>>     >     :alice :believes { v:u1 a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     { @forSome v:u2. ?x :believs { v:u2 a :Unicorn } } => {
>>>>>     ?x a :GulliblePerson }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > which, unless I am mistaken, is also equivalent to
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     @forSome v:u1.
>>>>>     >     :alice :believes { v:u1 a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     { ?x :believs { ?u2 a :Unicorn } } => { ?x a
>>>>>     :GulliblePerson }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > I would expect this to produce.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     :alice a :GulliblePerson.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > ----
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Example 5:
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     :alice :belives { [] a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     { ?x :believes { ?y a :Unicorn } } => { ?x :wishesToRide
>>>>>     ?y }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > is equivalent to (using old-style explicit quantifiers)
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     @forSome v:u1.
>>>>>     >     :alice :believes { v:u1 a :Unicorn }.
>>>>>     >     { ?x :believes { ?y a :Unicorn } } => { ?x :wishesToRide
>>>>>     ?y }.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > I would have no problem with this producing
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >     :alice :wishesToRide v:u1.  # where v:u1 is still
>>>>>     quantified by the top @forSome
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > <OpenPGP_0x9D1EDAEEEF98D438.asc>

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 08:17:40 UTC