Aligning with RDF*

Hello all,

While I know the list of issues is already long, I wanted to bring this
under the attention of the working group because of a message on the
rdfstart mailing list:

Since RDF* is already being implemented by most vendors and frameworks,
there is no doubt that this will be the common way to do statement
annotation. The standardization process is also underway. Standardizing a
rule reasoning language without RDF* support would be IMO quite useless. N3
is closely related to the Turtle* syntax being used right now and has some
of the necessary semantics already in place. This would give this language
a bit of a head start, thus I believe think the timing is now.

As a starting point, we might want to look at singleton triple graph citing
and whether we can make a PoC already. But I leave it up to the group to
decide on relevancy and timing. Of course, we should align with whatever
the RDF* standard will end up like.
I posted this mail as an issue here:

[image: meemoo] <>

     Miel Vander Sande
     Data architect

meemoo vzw* | Kleindokkaai 9a | 9000 Gent | Belgiƫ |
T: +32 9 298 05 01 *|* M: +32 496 83 21 29

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Wij zijn nu meemoo]

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2020 10:54:18 UTC