Re: Hello, n3

Dear William, all,

@William: great to read that. I just added you as a chair.

To bring things forward, we should do two things now:

1. We should start our git repository to be able to exchange data.

2. We should initiate a first telephone conference to discuss the main 
focus of our work.

For point 1: I saw that you can host your git repository on W3C (see but you need to ask for it. 
Alternatively, we can host the repository somewhere else. I have no idea 
what is the best practice there, therefore I ask you: where should we 
host our git?

For point 2: I think it is best to "meet" after the holiday period and I 
will set up a doodle for that, but I wondered about the best time slot: 
I already know that William and I are sitting in different time zones 
(CET and AST). But I do not know about the others: Could you please let 
me know which other time zones I need to take into account?

Kind regards,

Am 05.12.18 um 20:32 schrieb William Van Woensel:
> Hi all,
> If nobody else steps forward then I’d be willing to help out with the 
> chairing part.
> W
> *From:*Gregg Kellogg <>
> *Sent:* December-04-18 3:11 PM
> *To:* Doerthe Arndt <>
> *Cc:* Dave Raggett <>; David Booth <>; 
> *Subject:* Re: Hello, n3
>     On Dec 4, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Doerthe Arndt <
>     <>> wrote:
>     Hi David, all,
>     I volunteer since I really want to bring this forward. But I also
>     never chaired such a group before and would be grateful if anyone
>     else would co-chair. So, anyone else volunteering?
> +1. A group like this should mostly run itself, unless we decide to 
> have calls, in which case the chair sets them up and moderates discussion.
> Gregg
>     Kind regards,
>     Doerthe
>     Am 04.12.18 um 17:00 schrieb Dave Raggett:
>         That should be easy enough to arrange - let me look into it.
>          I see that the CG lacks a Chair, and needs one to publish any
>         reports. Anyone like to volunteer?
>             On 4 Dec 2018, at 15:26, David Booth <
>             <>> wrote:
>             Excellent discussion!   I would suggest that we (as a
>             group) start a github area with a github issues list, and
>             start tracking these issues.
>             Dave Raggett, is that something that you can initialize
>             for the N3 Community Group, within the W3C space on
>             github?   And in case the question arises, I think it
>             would make sense for it to be separate from the broader
>             discussion of "how to make RDF easier to use", because
>             this N3 effort is a very specific, focused effort, even
>             though it is related.
>             Thanks,
>             David Booth
>             On 12/4/18 5:56 AM, Doerthe Arndt wrote:
>                 Dear all,
>                 William and I - by accident - continued our discussion
>                 privately. Please find below the summary.
>                 Regards,
>                 Doerthe
>                 Hi Doerthe, all,
>                 Oops, that was by mistake .. I’m not used to replying
>                 on mailing lists, lol.
>                 //
>                 /If you don’t mind, I will try to summarize our
>                 conversation below—I think we’re pretty much in
>                 agreement on most issues. If you have no problems with
>                 it then feel free to forward (a summarized version?)
>                 to the mailing list.///
>                 • As an aside, I was wondering in what cases rules in
>                 consequences would be useful from a logical point of
>                 view (don’t have access to [1] right now). Isn’t the
>                 following just as effective:
>                 { ?C1 rdfs:subClassOf  ?C2, ?x a ?C1 } => ?x a ?C2
>                 But I understand why it could be (syntactically)
>                 useful from a pre-processing point of view—since only
>                 the initial rule body needs to be instantiated with
>                 TBox terms (?).
>                 > Yes, you can do that as well, but then the rules you
>                 use cannot be "automatically" written by the reasoner.
>                 /Indeed, that’s a pretty interesting aspect of it—the
>                 reasoner alone can instantiate the axioms based on the
>                 TBox. I will get around to reading your paper!/
>                 • As mentioned by Doerthe, and unbeknownst to me
>                 previously, N3 allows to describe statements directly
>                 using “formulae”, without having to explicitly
>                 “s-p-o-encode” the described statements, i.e.,
>                 { :william dc:wrote :Moby_Dick } a n3:falsehood .
>                 As also referenced by Doerthe, this very much reminded
>                 me of the work by Hartig et al., who introduced an
>                 extended semantics (RDF* and SPARQL*) [1] for
>                 reification support…
>                 > "The RDF semantic conditions do not place formal
>                 constraints on the meaning of much of the RDF
>                 vocabulary which is intended for use in describing
>                 containers and bounded collections, or the reification
>                 vocabulary intended to enable an RDF graph to describe
>                 RDF triples. This appendix briefly reviews the
>                 intended meanings of this vocabulary" (quote from:
>                 > In other words: it is not formally defined what rdf
>                 reification means.
>                 For sure—but it says the same thing about RDF
>                 containers and collections (and I hope we’re not going
>                 to skip representing those as well in N3!). I think
>                 that the intended meaning and the particular
>                 representation as defined in that section, is
>                 currently more or less taken as the standard way to
>                 deal with reification (e.g., it is also listed in the
>                 RDF primer). For instance, Hartig et al. define a
>                 syntax and semantics for a different, more usable
>                 reification representation; and present a conversion
>                 into this “standard” reification representation (in
>                 fact, as a way to support the model-theoretic
>                 interpretation of RDF*).
>                 > The general problem of reification is the rather
>                 unusual use of blank nodes: as you know, blank nodes
>                 already have a meaning, they are existentially
>                 quantified (and I hope that the discussion on the
>                 mailing list will not change that). So, the above
>                 means according to RDF semantics: "There exists a
>                 falsehood, this falsehood is a statement and has the
>                 subject "William", etc.") That is not the same as
>                 saying "The statement that William wrote Moby Dick is
>                 a falsehood.". This semantically rather big difference
>                 is a problem for the formal specification of
>                 reification and we have indeed the exact same problem
>                 (but in my opinion even worse) with lists and
>                 containers (by saying that a list *exists* you do not
>                 have the list).
>                 /Do you mean: having a more robust, formal definition
>                 of reification / lists / containers in place for N3,
>                 instead of building on the current (unformalized)
>                 method, would be a way forward? I’m not necessarily
>                 disagreeing here, but it could be a bit beyond our
>                 scope (?) Indeed, to me, there has always been this
>                 strange dichotomy between blank nodes being
>                 “existentially quantified” on the one hand (i.e.,
>                 someone has an address, which has street X, etc.), and
>                 local identifiers on the other, where someone can
>                 actually reference this existential quantification
>                 elsewhere in the document (more like “existential
>                 variables” (?))./
>                 > N3 does not need these ugly constructs since it
>                 supports lists as "first class citizens" and has a
>                 construct for citation (the brackets {}). So, in
>                 practice I would add some rules making reification and
>                 first-rest-ladders "real" citations and lists and
>                 support only these "real" constructs in the mode
>                 theory. That would not exclude the use of them and by
>                 giving the rules we also give it the meaning you
>                 suggest here.
>                 /I think we’re in agreement here—the current way of
>                 representing lists and reification is quite ugly and,
>                 by adding well-defined constructs, we can make working
>                 with them much easier. But in the end, this meaning
>                 would be based on the “intended meaning” just like
>                 with Hartig et al./
>                 > I would be really careful with such "intended"
>                 meanings since that will cause misunderstandings.
>                 /Sure, but it’s unclear what else we could base
>                 ourselves on (?)/
>                 /> There are different logics which have the notion of
>                 context, like for example KIF, ISO Common Logic and
>                 MacCarthy's logic of context ( there are many more).
>                 We have to agree whether we want to have a higher
>                 order construct here (I would rather say no) or
>                 whether we want to model it as first order logic. I
>                 hope that will become clear if everyone also explains
>                 how he or she wants to use the concept./
>                 //
>                 • I believe there could be a semantic layer, aside
>                 from a syntactical one, that facilitates working with
>                 lists (i.e., RDF collections). For instance, when
>                 computerizing the OWL2 RL axiomatization, one often
>                 runs into the following types of rules:
>                 { ?c owl:unionOf ?l, ?l x:member ?cl } => ?cl
>                 owl:subClassOf ?c
>                 Where the x:member can be supported by adding an extra
>                 few rules [4]. Using rdfs:member seems to do something
>                 similar for RDF(S) containers, but that’s much easier
>                 since containers do not represent linked lists.
>                     We should formalise built-ins: Cwm (and I think
>                     also the team
>                 submission) mentions a list of built-ins, you can find
>                 them at
>                     EYE supports even more built-ins. Some are taken
>                     from RIF, some are
>                 customized:
>                 I hope that we as a group will be able to extend the
>                 list of N3 built-in predicates such that it won't be
>                 necessary for any reasoner to have such own predicates
>                 (but that is my vision for later).
>                 For sure—with an accompanying semantics, these
>                 built-ins / constructs / terms .. could be implemented
>                 consistently (and perhaps even without necessitating
>                 built-in support; e.g., by simply adding the
>                 corresponding axioms to the dataset?).
>                 • Even in case all list elements need to be referenced:
>                 { ?c owl:intersectionOf ?l, @forall :cl (?l x:member
>                 :cl, :cl a ?t, ?y a ?t) } => ?y a ?c
>                     Note that the rule above is problematic since the
>                     scope of your
>                 @forAll is basically the whole Web, so you can never
>                 know whether the antecedence of this rule is true.
>                 What you can do, is set a scope, saying something like
>                 "for all c1 mentioned in a certain document", this is
>                 something we can test.
>                 I had based this on your examples from your
>                 presentation (slides 12, 16; I don’t remember defining
>                 explicit scopes) but perhaps I’m wrong ...
>                     Your example would not work because it requires
>                     that whatever you find
>                 in the whole semantic we needs to be in the list ?l
>                 (@forAll :cl. ?l x:member :cl.). The reason for that
>                 is that the quantifier is in the antecedence of the
>                 rule. You basically say "if every cl is a member of l
>                 ... then" and not what you would like to have "for
>                 every member cl of l".
>                 /Note that I merely used this notation since I noticed
>                 it on your slides and it seemed to suit the purpose.
>                 But I understand your point—the universal
>                 quantification should be scoped to include only
>                 members of the list: /
>                 … Based on the rule you wrote, I think we could also
>                 go for local scoping here (so, mention a scope
>                 together with the universal quantifier), but maybe we
>                 should discuss that in the group (there could be
>                 better solutions).
>                 William
>         Dave Raggett < <>>
>         W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things
>     -- 
>     Dörthe Arndt
>     Researcher Semantic Web
>     imec - Ghent University - IDLab | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | Department of Electronics and Information Systems
>     Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 19, 9052 Ghent, Belgium
>     t: +32 9 331 49 59 |  <>  
Dörthe Arndt
Researcher Semantic Web
imec - Ghent University - IDLab | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | Department of Electronics and Information Systems
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 19, 9052 Ghent, Belgium
t: +32 9 331 49 59 | e:

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2018 11:37:47 UTC