[agenda] November 4 teleconf


Here comes our agenda for tomorrow's call (Nov 4). Please send
reports on your action items and regrets before the call.

I'm supposed to be in a meeting tomorrow at the time of this call, but
I'll try to make sure I'm available to join and chair.

The logistics of the call are at the end of the message.


 * Thanks to Carmelo 
Carmelo said he wouldn't be able to continue co-chairing this group;
thanks for all his work in the past couple of years.

 * Device Independent Testing Guidelines
ACTION: Carmelo to update the di guidelines based on the comments
received so far [recorded in

 * Widgets testing
- summary of F2F meeting with WebApps WG
- Kai's first tests cases:

 * Cookies test suite
ACTION: Wilhelm to look into opera's test suites for cookies [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/02-mwts-minutes.html#action04]
 * Bringing more visibility to web compatibility test suite

 * Next meeting:
Nov 11 is a bank holiday in France, and as far as I know, in the UK and
US as well; I thus propose we cancel the call (next meeting would be Nov
Logistics: Zakim Teleconference bridge +1.617.761.6200 (also available
at: + or +44.117.370.6152 )
Teleconference code: 8794
Time: 5pm CET / 11 am ET / 8am PT 
IRC channel: #mwts on irc.w3.org *port 6665*; please make your best
effort to be on IRC since we are using it extensively
during our teleconferences; if you don't have an IRC client installed, 
you can use the Member-only web interface to the IRC server at:

Received on Monday, 3 November 2008 15:10:45 UTC