Re: Ideas of useful deliverables for this group

Hi Allen,

Le jeudi 18 janvier 2007 à 16:54 -0800, Allen Wang a écrit :
> >* another approach that I think would be interesting to consider is to
> >focus on non-conformance tests suites (!); the idea would be to assemble
> >and create tests cases that wouldn't focus so much on whether a given
> >browser conforms to a given specification, but instead, to identify
> >common browsers behaviors for things that are un- or ill-specified, and
> >that web developers need data on.
> >  
> This certainly is an interesting idea. However, it seems that focusing 
> on non-conformance test suites may contradict to our charter:
> "The test suites ... could be suitable for checking conformance of user 
> agents to specifications in the mobile Web space."

Note the "could"; in other words, this is not an obligation of our
charter, but a possible direction.

> So I suggest we as the members still focus on the conformance part of 
> the test suite but leave the non-conformance part largely to the 
> community, as Dom suggested.

That sounds good in theory, but if we want the latter part to happen, we
would need to provide the infrastructure to do so - e.g. a system to
contribute tests cases, a test harness, a test reporting system, etc. We
would also likely need to review the submissions of test cases; could
you clarify whether you think we shouldn't even provide that
infrastructure and only focus on conformance tests suites?

> Also, we may want to get input from the Mobile Web Initiative group as 
> they may have a better understanding of the priorities of our group.

At this point, I think it's really up to us to decide, based on our
evaluation of the needs from the community, vendors, etc.


Received on Friday, 19 January 2007 08:11:37 UTC