*SVGMD-001 Support for document main structures Required to test the property inheritance through <svg>, <g> element etc. 5 Document Structure, (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/struct.html) 5.1.2 The 'svg' element, 5.2 Grouping: the 'g' element
*SVGMD-002 Support for document referencing structures Require to test referencing of enteties within the document using <defs> and <use>elements. 5 Document Structure, (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/struct.html) 5.3 The 'defs' element, 5.6 The 'use' element
*SVGMD-003 Support for conditional processing Require to test the ability to adapt the viewing based on capabilities with the <switch> element 5 Document Structure (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/struct.html) 5.8.2 The 'switch' element
*SVGMD-004 Suppport for images Require to test the rendering of embedded and referencesed raster images 5 Document Structure (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/struct.html) 5.7 The 'image' element
*SVGMD-005 Support for element discarding Require to test removal of graphical enteties 5 Document Structure (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/struct.html) 5.4 The 'discard' element
*SVGMD-006 Support for basic shapes Require to test the rendering of all basic shapes defined by elements such as <rect>, <circle> etc. 9 Basic Shapes (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/shapes.html) 9.2 The 'rect' element 9.3 The 'circle' element 9.4 The 'ellipse' element 9.5 The 'line' element 9.6 The 'polyline' element 9.7 The 'polygon' element
*SVGMD-007 Support for basic text Require to show that text can be shown using system fonts. 10 Text (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/text.html) 10.4 The 'text' element 10.5 The 'tspan' element
*SVGMD-008 Support for text flow Require to test the correct display of text in an area. 10 Text (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/text.html) 10.11 Text in an area
*SVGMD-009 Suppport for editing text Require to test interaction with text objects 10 Text 10.12 Editable Text Fields
*SVGMD-010 Support for paint Require to test the correct rendering of basic shapes with correct color on fill and stroke, ensure correct line type, line ending and join are displayed. 11 Painting: Filling, Stroking, Colors and Paint Servers (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/painting.html) 11.2 Specifying paint, 11.3 Fill Properties, 11.4 Stroke Properties
*SVGMD-011 Support for opacity Require to test the blending of objects coinsiding on the drawing canvas 11 Painting: Filling, Stroking, Colors and Paint Servers (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/painting.html) 11.12 Object and group opacity: the 'opacity' property
*SVGMD-012 Support for gradient Require to test rendering of graphic structures with gradients 11 Painting: Filling, Stroking, Colors and Paint Servers(http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/painting.html) 11.16 Gradients, 11.16.1 Linear gradients, 11.16.2 Radial gradients, 11.16.3 The 'stop' element, defining gradient stops
*SVGMD-013 Support for solid color Require to test the correct color selection 11 Painting: Filling, Stroking, Colors and Paint Servers (http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-SVGMobile12-20060810/painting.html) 11.13 Color 11.14 Other types of Paint, 11.14.2 The solidColor Element, 11.14.3 The SVG 'color' property