WCITD 2008 reminder

I would like to remind each of you of two IFIP events  which will take 
place in the week of 6-11 October in Pretoria this year.  The first is 
the  2nd IFIP International Symposium on Wireless Communications and 
Information Technology in Developing Countries 
<http://www.cs.uct.ac.za/Research/DNA/WICTD> (WCIDT)  which is organised 
by IFIP 6.9

Note that WCIDT has funds available, generously provided by IFIP TC 6, 
to support speakers whose papers are accepted.  The organisers are also 
very fortunate to have Dr Victor Bahl, from Microsoft Research as a 
keynote speaker.  Please visit his home page 
<http://research.microsoft.com/%7Ebahl/> and you will agree that he has 
a wide ranging practical knowledge and research experience of wireless 

The second event I would like to draw your attention to is the IFIP WG 
6.9 School on Wireless Computi_n_ 
<http://www.cs.uct.ac.za/Research/DNA/ISS>_g_ (ISS) with 5 international 
speakers or teachers, each an acknowledged expert in his field.  Thanks 
again to the generosity of Microsoft Research and also the Meraka 
Institute, we can offer at least 20 places without charging any fee for 
attending this great opportunity to learn first hand from international 
experts.  If you live outside Gauteng, support for travel will also be 
considered for early applicants.  Note that the number of participants 
in will be limited the interest of interactive participations by all: It 
is a school not a conference.

All is revealed on the websites above.  Thanks for listening!

Ana Pont

Received on Monday, 12 May 2008 11:10:57 UTC