Research Assistance Sought

Please see message below, which I've been asked to forward to the list.

Many thanks!



My name is Ginette Law, I’m an MSc student at the Oxford Internet Institute, at the University of Oxford. I am currently doing my thesis dissertation on Internet access made available through numerous types of ICT projects, in rural communities of East Africa. It focuses on how the Internet is made accessible or not through mobile phones and personal computer devices. 

I am currently looking for mobile project managers to fill out a short online survey on this matter.  They should cater to rural populations in one of the following countries: Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda or Tanzania. Projects who do not offer mobile Internet should also participate as well. 

Please visit the following page to complete the survey:

If you have any questions regarding this research, please write to I would be glad to provide you with any further details. 

Thank you for your help and contribution.
Ginette Law
MSc Social Sciences of the Internet
Oxford Internet Institute

Received on Sunday, 16 May 2010 17:18:20 UTC