1st Int. Conference on mDevelopment

Dear Colleagues

The Mobile Government Consortium International is Organizing the  
First International Conference on Mobile Development (2-3-4 Sept.  
2009, Barcelona), which might be of interest to you. I am enclosing a  
brief info below. I would appreciate if you could widely distribute  
it to those who may be interested.


Associate Professor and Director,
Mobile Government Consortium International, UK
+44 1273 777853

==  please visit www.mgovernment.org, www.m4life.org, www.mdevlet.org

mLife 2009: Three Conferences and Exhibitions
2 - 3 - 4 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain,
Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona
http://www.m4life.org    conf@mlife.org

"Converting impacts of mobile technologies to economical and social  

-- mSOCIETY 2009: The 2nd International Conference on Mobile Society
-- EURO mGOV 2009: The 4th European Conference on Mobile Government
-- mDEVELOPMENT 2009: The 1st Int. Conference on Mobile Development

Practice talk proposals :as soon as possible
Research Paper Submission dead line :1st of June 2009

mLife conference and exhibitions are prime events for all
organizations and professionals who would like to monitor, take part
in, and shape the development of the social impact of the mobile
revolution. They provide opportunities to businesses, public sector
organizations and researchers to explore the frontiers of the social
mobile revolution and be informed in order to reach their goals.

Covering all aspects of mobile business, mobile society,
m/e-government and mDevelopment. mLife Organisation invites research,
practice and policy presentations; exhibitions and demos; tutorials
and special sessions.

For more on submissions please visit: http://www.m4life.org

Conference Chairs:
     I. Kushchu (mLife 2009), Mobile Government Consortium Int.
     M. Bull, (mSociety 2009), Sussex University
     C. Borucki and J. Batlle (EURO mGOV 2009), Temple University,
Japan and Barcelona City Council
     K. Banks, (mDevelpment 2009), Kwanja.net

Program Chairs:
   Carl Adams, University of Portsmouth, UK
   Rain Rannu, Mobi Solutions & Fortumo, Estonia

Organizers & Supporters:
-- Mobile Government Consortium International
-- Barcelona City Council

For more on participation, exhibitions and sponsorship, previous  
    please visit www.m4life.org or send email to conf@mlife.org

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 15:40:28 UTC