Re: Intro

2009/4/8 Henri Asseily <>:
> There's a single A record that's hard-coded and not user-modifiable. The A
> record points to a Telnic-managed proxy system that simply displays the DNS
> info in a standard web template. Not everyone knows dig or has an app that
> goes straight to the DNS, so it's kind of useful to be able to use the Web
> to see that info :)

Doesn't this "Telnic-managed proxy system" threaten to become the next
Facebook then? I have to friend you with this service

Does not seem like a highly distributed system like the Web is
supposed to be.

The NAPTR triples look a little complicated to me. Isn't it better if
contact details are aggregated from a homepage with simpler HTML
markup? A microformat?

How do you prevent spam? Surely a bad robot can easily trawl .tel
records for our contact details and bombard us with spam?

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 13:59:33 UTC