
just introducing myself to this group. Feel free to delete the message  
right away, or read on...

I'm with Telnic Ltd, the registry for the new top level domain .tel ( 
). is the first TLD purely for communications and was launched in  
general availability on March 24th. Its aim is to be a dynamic  
repository for an owner's contact information, so that a .tel becomes  
a single point of contact for life.  .tel is geared towards mobile  
device use thanks to all the contact data being in the DNS in the form  
of NAPTR, TXT and LOC records. So queries are very fast and small, and  
any low-end GPRS data connection will do. A video of a sample native  
app for the iPhone can be found at:
All the navigation is dynamic, and even in GPRS things are extremely  
quick. In effect the data in your address book is not something you  
need to manage at all any more, it's managed by each contact person  

Beyond contact info, .tel has applications for large directories,  
corporate communications, and replacement of interactive voice systems.

I'll get back to lurking now, but feel free to ping me at any time.


Henri Asseily
CSO/CTO Telnic

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 12:38:41 UTC