Re: Determining MW4D Core Values

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:07:19 -0700, Bill Gillis wrote
>  The specific amendment I offer to the "Today's Technology" value:
> "While practical solutions and analysis should be grounded 
> within the technologies--hardware, software and connectivity-
> -widely available to people in underserved communities today-
> -they also should anticipate and not constrain future 
> technological advances which may be even more beneficial."
> [...]
> my point here is that in our quest to produce a "practical" 
> outcome, we should be careful our definitions to not 
> constrain our imagined future.
Well, this really depends on whether we want to create a 'vision
thingie' or a solution(s)/recommendation(s)/whatever realisable today.
 Both are sensible and commendable, but not identical, goals.  I
assume it's up to us to decide what we want to produce.

My point is that whatever we say should/could be done today, will
still be doable in years to come, using yet-to-be invented technology.

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 16:26:55 UTC