Re: Compact music notation grammar

Hi Koen,

your example notation reminds me of Lilypond ( which is a LaTeX-like format/typesetting for music.


> Am 26.09.2017 um 08:43 schrieb Samyn Koen <>:
> I recently (about 2 weeks) joined this group and thought I would let you know what I am working on.
> My project related to MusicXML is a compact grammar that can be used to quickly input
> a score sheet into a source file. This source file is then translated into the MusicXML format.
> A simple example:
> score bmv161{
>    title="Komm, du süße Todesstunde";
>    lyricist="J.S. Bach";
>    divisions=24;
>    part abf1{
>        name="Altblockflöte";
>        shortname="A1.";
>        octave = 4;
>        voice 1{
>            | &G2 fifths-3  %4/4 r [sol+ fa+ fa+ mi+]/3 [mi+/4. do+/3] [si+ la+ la+ sol+]/3
>            | [sol+/3 fa+/3 fa+/4] [fa+ la+ sol+ la+]/3 [sol+/4. sol+/3] [do+2/3 mi+2/2 re+2/2 mi+2/3 do+2/3] |
>        }
>    }
> }
> I grew up with the do-re-mi way of naming notes, but it is also possible to use the ABC naming convention.
> Brackets are used to generate beams for notes and the plus or minus sign can be used to raise a note
> up or down from the default octave. The slashes are used to define the duration of a note.
> You can follow the project here : . At the moment it is something
> that I quickly put together and maybe very particular to my workflow. Any feedback is useful, even if it is just
> to say that it is not a very fruitful approach.
> Maybe there are also other projects with the same basic premise that are further along. If so I would like to
> hear about them and maybe join them.
> Regards,
> Koen Samyn

Peter Stadler
Arbeitsstelle Detmold
Hornsche Str. 39
D-32756 Detmold
Tel. +49 5231 975-676
Fax: +49 5231 975-668
stadler at

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2017 11:11:28 UTC