Document music notation use cases.

Greetings all;  I can't see a way yet to begin contributing other than 
this, as email.

I'd like to participate in discussions on "music notation use cases"; 
some of my music uses rather unique symbols and positioning and it would 
be great either to have new developments encompass these uses or to 
migrate my usage to a more agreed-upon 'standard'.

Attached to this email are three images, in order of ordinariness, first 
most often needed:

First: standard intonation notation including the need for intonation 
markings on upper and lower lines on a shared staff (Horn Parts, image 1).

Second:  extending beyond 5-limit Just Intonation to the harmonic 
seventh.   I don't personally find the need for extended dimensions, 
like a 5-limit lattice in relation to the 7-limit seventh, but others 
might.   (Second violin part bar 1, harmonic seventh).

Third:  this is as extreme as I go, indicating different tuning 
references for different parts, and attempting to show multiple 
comma-differentiated levels.

William Copper

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 17:43:34 UTC