Tick-based Timing

Last January, I raised an issue about Tick-based Timing in the W3C Music 
Notation Community Group's MNX Repository [1], but it was closed in 
February without my being satisfied that it had been sufficiently discussed.

I had the feeling that something important was being glossed over, so 
have been thinking hard about the subject over the past few weeks, and 
have now uploaded an article about it to my website [2].

My conclusions are that Tick-based Timing

  * has to do with the difference between absolute (mechanical,
    physical) time and performance practice,
  * is relevant to the encoding of /*all*/ the world's event-based music
    notations, not just CWMN1900.
  * needs to be considered for the next generation of music encoding formats

I would especially like to get some feedback from those working on 
non-western notations, so am posting this not only to the W3C MNCG's 
public mailing list, but also to MEI's.

All the best,
James Ingram

[1] MNX Issue #217: https://github.com/w3c/mnx/issues/217



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Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 19:49:28 UTC