Re: [smufl] Additional characters for the 'Function theory symbols' range

To meet this requirement, the following glyphs will be added to the 
existing [Function theory 

Name | Description | Code point
---- | ---- | ----
functionFUpper | Function theory F | EA99
functionIUpper | Function theory I | EA9A
functionILower | Function theory i | EA9B
functionKUpper | Function theory K | EA9C
functionKLower | Function theory k | EA9D
functionLUpper | Function theory L | EA9E
functionLLower | Function theory l | EA9F

With these additions, the existing **Function theory symbols** range 
is now completely full, with all 48 of its reserved code points 

The remaining new glyphs will be added to a new **Function theory 
symbols supplement** range, which will have 16 code points reserved 
between U+ED00 and U+ED0F, with the following contents:

Name | Description | Code point
---- | ---- | ----
functionMUpper | Function theory M | ED00
functionMLower | Function theory m | ED01
functionNUpperSuperscript | Function theory superscript N | ED02
functionRLower | Function theory r      | ED03

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Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 09:01:51 UTC