Shorter and longer term agendas

Thanks to everyone for your responses the proposed agenda for the community group. So far the discussion has focused largely on longer-term goals and alternate representations. There has been great material for discussion and we would like to hear from more people about this. In particular, we would like to identify specific cases and scenarios where a comparison with other music representations is most valuable.

We would also like to see more feedback on the other questions posed to the group:
Are we picking the correct short-term projects to start with? These are 1) Initial MusicXML specification 2) MusicXML support for SMuFL glyphs, 3) Identify and fix any remaining gaps and adoption barriers in SMuFL.
Have we defined the short-term projects properly?
What would you most like to see done with MusicXML right away?
What would you most like to see done with SMuFL right away?
We would be especially interested in hearing from more of those who are currently using MusicXML and/or SMuFL. At this point it is just as helpful to hear "yes, this sounds like the right projects" as it is to hear "here are some proposed alternatives."

We would like to start work on the shorter-term projects soon. Could you please send your responses by the end of this week?

We know that some people have had trouble posting to the list. Sometimes your first post to a W3C mailing list can take a little time to get mailed out. If you encounter any problems posting to this list, please feel free to contact one of the co-chairs directly.

Best regards,

Michael Good
VP Research and Development
MakeMusic, Inc.

Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 20:07:28 UTC