RE: Video about ITS 2.0: Please send me you logo before the 20.11.13

Dear Felix,

Please use the link for Tilde logo.

I am in the process of preparing the script for the TAWS scenario.

With best wishes,

From: Felix Sasaki []
Sent: ceturtdiena, 2013. gada 14. novembris 16:10
To: Nieves Sande;
Cc: Felix Sasaki; Arle Lommel (
Subject: Re: Video about ITS 2.0: Please send me you logo before the 20.11.13

Thanks for the mail, Nieves. One additional aspect: please send the logos as a vector grafik so that we can resize them.



Am 14.11.13 13:09, schrieb Nieves Sande:
Dear all,

As we already said during the last call, we will add logos of the project contributors at the end of the main Video about ITS 2.0.
So If you want your logo to appear in the video, send an email with a vector logo to my email address (<>) before next Wednesday 20.11.13.

Many thanks,



Received on Thursday, 14 November 2013 14:33:24 UTC