RE: [Agenda] MLW-LT call 13 November 1 p.m. UTC

Dear Felix, Dear all,

As I have to attend another meeting starting at the same time today, and this one is an annual event, I have to skip today's MLW-LT call, sorry.

I'm definitely coming to Madrid.

Kind regards,

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note.
Von meinem Samsung Galaxy Note gesendet.

-------- Original message --------
From: Felix Sasaki <> 
Date: 2013/11/13  09:10  (GMT+01:00) 
Subject: [Agenda] MLW-LT call 13 November 1 p.m. UTC 
Your time

dial in info

Topic: f2f preparation
Goal: fix agenda items and check for preparation tbds

Video outreach
See Arle's mail. Goal: gather thoughts & comments and see who would like 
to contribute a video.
Sample video on my canal: ITS2 in oXygen (experimental)
Disclaimer: the oXygen functionality was developed by me and currently 
runs only on my machine - this is not part of a official distribution. 
But: comments welcome :)

Brainstorming: what to do in ITS IG
We can't assume that there will be a continuous effort with weekly calls 
and that work will move forward quickly. A reasonable call time (once 
per months) with incentives to join (e.g. invite people from outside) 
might work.


- Felix

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 10:08:00 UTC